Got Inspiration Podcast
Episode #14
Cliff Ward & Autin Wright – Changing Lives Through Visual Art

Cliff Ward and Autin Wright are amazing sculptors and painters that I had the pleasure of meeting while I was working at Sculpture Magazine. With now 20 years of friendship, they take us behind their life and how they got into the their field. Sit back and enjoy this one Got InSpiration Fam. To learn more about Cliff you may visit his website at and You may also discover their work at Grounds For Sculpture.
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About the Got Inspiration podcast
No matter how big or how small, everyone makes an impact in their own unique way. And that’s what I’m here for, to share and explore the many different forms of inspiration in our world today through having conversations with people from all walks of life whether you are an entrepreneur, teacher, in corporate america, or volunteer, your story needs to be heard. You never know what a difference you can make in someone’s life by telling your story. I am your host Kristine Smith and I would like to welcome you to “Got Inspiration”.